The Who Fan Forum


The Who Fan Forum
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buy tickets Orlando, Florida    by | von  Velva   (2012-07-19 00:10:53) reply | antworten
i want to join the fan club. I have tried many times on site....but there is no link, no place to fill out anything. Please help if you can. Tickets go on sale in two days for fan club members....for the ORLANDO, FLORIDA show. Thank you.

  • Link for joining    von | by  Chris   (2012-07-19 09:14:55) reply | antworten
    For those of you who want to buy tour tickets via
    This is the link where you can join and buy tickets.

    • Link for joining    von | by  Velva   (2012-07-19 14:55:36) reply | antworten
      Thank you, Chris.

      • Link for joining    von | by  Velva   (2012-07-19 21:18:18) reply | antworten
        dont waste your money. I gave my credit card info and attempted to activate the account and there are problems. I cannot create a user name and password to log in and there is no contact information or email. I wait a few more hours and then I will ask my credit card company to stop payment. So disappointed.

        • Link for joining    von | by  Chris   (2012-07-20 00:44:36) reply | antworten
          Alternatelively you can obtain tickets at
          Maybe this website could serve better ...


          • Link for joining    von | by  Steve   (2012-07-20 16:49:00) reply | antworten
            Does anyone know the fan club password to order tickets through live
The Who Fan Forum
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display messages | Textbeiträge einblendensubstitute    by | von  Werner  (2012-10-13 12:09:58)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenSchon gesehen    by | von  krimhilde  (2012-10-09 16:32:39)
  • Schon gesehen  by  |  von  Kempener  (2012-10-10 18:00:34)
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display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenGeburtstag Keith    by | von  Johanna  (2012-08-23 21:08:49)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenThe Who Abschlussfeier London    by | von  Martin  (2012-08-13 11:06:32)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblenden"New Quadrophenia Tour" von Pete u. Roger angekündigt     by | von  Don  (2012-07-18 20:06:47)
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display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenQuadrphenia Playing L.A. Live    by | von  The Who  (2012-07-23 20:28:35)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenbuy tickets Orlando, Florida    by | von  Velva  (2012-07-19 00:10:53)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenRegal Cinemas L.A. Live presents :The Who Quadrophenia    by | von  L.A. Live  (2012-07-19 00:09:09)
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display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenKeith's little game    by | von  Bill.  (2012-07-02 14:08:26)
  • Keith  by  |  von  towser06  (2012-07-05 13:43:17)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenQuadrophenia- Can You See The Real Me?” The Story Behind The Album Documentary    by | von  Don  (2012-06-23 02:47:05)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenOlympia 2012    by | von  Björn  (2012-06-11 21:23:01)
  • Olympia 2012  by  |  von  Kempener  (2012-06-16 12:38:31)
    • Olympia 2012  by  |  von  towser06  (2012-06-28 02:45:08)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenLuisa calling ...    by | von  Webmaster Chris  (2012-04-07 09:23:41)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenNew Who Radio Show    by | von  The Seeker  (2012-03-04 07:16:51)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenBochum ehrt Roger    by | von  Kempener  (2011-02-05 12:49:07)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenLive at Leeds Polydor rotes Cover    by | von  John  (2012-02-25 13:41:50)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenFace Dances    by | von  Harald  (2011-10-27 16:41:32)
  • Face Dances  by  |  von  Harald  (2011-12-15 18:31:38)
  • Face Dances  by  |  von  Chris  (2011-12-18 09:11:36)
  • Face Dances  by  |  von  towser06  (2012-02-12 23:00:29)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenNanu!!!    by | von  Werner  (2011-12-23 10:09:35)
  • Nanu!!!  by  |  von  Chris  (2011-12-23 11:08:19)
    • Nanu!!!  by  |  von  Werner  (2011-12-23 12:45:53)
      • Nanu!!!  by  |  von  Björn  (2011-12-23 16:26:57)
        • Nanu!!!  by  |  von  towser06  (2012-02-12 22:56:36)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenQuadrophenia    by | von  Kempener  (2011-12-23 09:06:15)
  • Quadrophenia  by  |  von  Werner  (2012-01-02 10:05:34)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenTownshend über eine mögliche "Quadrophenia" Tour 2012    by | von  Don  (2011-11-13 13:31:27)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenTHE WHO nahe Osnabrück/Münster    by | von  quadrophenia  (2011-10-24 21:48:32)
display messages | Textbeiträge einblendenRoger Daltrey/Tommy/Portland OR Oct 24    by | von  Michael Collins Morton  (2011-10-27 22:51:57)

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